Simon Fessehaye

Front-End Developer

Work Experience

Vivante Health

Senior Software Engineer

April 2024 - Present


Senior Software Engineer

July 2023 - April 2024

Full-time position, worked on the web development team to contribute towards data visualization reports for multiple governments across North America.

  • Implemented efficient URL routing in the frontend, resulting in more accurate Sentry error reports and a subsequent improvement in overall system stability and user experience.
  • Led and facilitated key sprint rituals, including retrospectives and sprint planning, guiding our team of 6 developers through structured sessions that fostered open communication and collaboration. This proactive approach contributed to improved team cohesion.
  • Spearheaded the integration of developer-centric tools such as Tailwind CSS and Playwright(end-to-end testing), revolutionizing our development workflow.

Front End Developer

June 2021 - March 2023

Temporary Full-time position. Joined the Digital Engagement team to help create digital experiences that connect with users on their journey through our web properties. The Digital Engagement team is primarily focused on reaching a wide audience to build a grassroots movement of activists working to improve the open internet.

  • Championed the code implementation of the team's Figma design system with JavaScript and React components, resulting in a more streamlined and efficient design process.
  • Optimized the Foundation's CMS by adding new templates and content types; facilitated content creation by Mozilla's team of content writers and reduced manual site updates by developers.
  • Implemented internal tools to streamline development workflows and increase efficiency.
  • Spearheaded the planning and implementation of front-end features for Mozilla's Privacy Not Included site, including client-side routing, state management, and interactive animations.

Web Developer/Game Developer

Sept 2018 - June 2021

Full-time position. Participated in the full development lifecycle on the web-based game, “Axis & Allies 1942 Online”

  • Developed UI components for "Axis & Allies 1942 Online" using Sass, TypeScript, and React.
  • Transformed designer mockups and wireframes into user-friendly interfaces, such as system menus and user profiles, resulting in a seamless user experience and positive feedback from clients.
  • Automated iOS builds using Fastlane and GitHub Actions to improve development efficiency.
  • Reorganized React components to better align with industry standards and best practices, resulting in more approachable and intuitive code.

Web Developer

Feb 2018 - Aug 2018

A full-time position that provides software development for online educational games

  • Collaborated with the back-end team to add subscription-exclusive features for including personalized dashboards and landing pages, increasing the site's revenue.
  • Created mockups using Figma and Adobe Illustrator for rapid prototyping.
Iomer Internet Solutions

Junior Consultant,Solution Developer

Sept 2016 - Feb 2018

Full-time position that provides software development based primarily on the Microsoft platform to multiple clients.

  • Collaborated with designers and project managers to create front-end solutions and branding using Sass and Javascript Libraries (React, AngularJS).
  • Support solution architecture at both enterprise and project levels using Sharepoint and ASP.Net projects
  • Contributed with the development of websites and intranets for major clients such as Alberta's Liquor Connect, Alberta Motor Association, and Cashco Financial, driving successful outcomes and ensuring client satisfaction.
University of Alberta/Fouad Lab


April 2016 - Sept 2016

Temporary Position developing desktop applications to aid a postdoctoral researcher experiments.

  • Developed a single-page application ported as a desktop application using Electron and Knockout JS to aid postdoctoral researchers' experiments.
  • Implemented offline friendly features to parse and store data to save researcher's time when collecting their data.
  • Creating an offline application that can parse and store the raw data from generated text files
Four Winds & Associates Inc.

Junior Web Developer

June 2015 - Nov 2016

Part-time position that consists of coding at all levels of the application stack - database and SQL, application servers in python and django, and the front-end in HTML, CSS, and jQuery.

  • Modify existing Django applications based of clients requests and deploy them on Digitalocean Droplets
Playmaker Inc.

Junior Web Programmer

June 2015 - Oct 2015

Part-time position that consists of coding at all levels of the application stack - database and SQL, application servers in python and django, and the front-end in HTML, CSS, and jQuery.

  • Worked on REST API and functionality to Symfony framework application
  • Used PHP Websockets and front-end Javascript to create simple chat application
University Of Alberta/Faculty of Business

Internet Design and Programming Assistant

Nov 2014 - Apr 2015

Worked part-time remotely using django and python to create a web application to support web-scapping scripts.

  • Recreate existing NodeJS project as a Python Django web application
  • Create Django applications for large-scale research project
University of Alberta/Technical Support Team

Helpdesk Consultant

May 2013 - July 2014

Worked in the CS Helpdesk year-round helping students and staff with IT related issues.

  • Troubleshooting undergraduate/graduate student accounts using various techniques
  • Using scripting languages to represent data from specific machines
  • Using linux scripts/commands to obtain information about specific machines as well as sshing remotely to servers within the Computing Science department



Javascript Python HTML5/CSS C# Java Swift PHP Perl Matlab/Octave


React Vue NodeJS Greensock Typescript Sass Electron Eleventy Django Flask Bootstrap/TailwindCSS AngularJS Symfony Codeigniter ASP.NET Core Redux Gatsby NextJS Playwright Astro Wagtail CMS


GraphQL PostgreSQL MongoDB Oracle SQLite MySQL PouchDB/CouchDB Microsoft SQL Server

other experiences

Netlify Figma Xcode Chrome Extension API Serverless Functions Fastlane Github Actions


Specialization in Computing Science, Bachelor, University of Alberta

Sept 2010 - Sept 2015

Elementary Calculus I, II, & III Intro to Computing Science Programming with Data Structures Linear Algebra I & II Graph Theory Practical Programming Methodology Algorithms I Introduction to Digital Image Processing Formal Systems and Logic in Computing Science Introduction to File and Database Management Introduction to Software Engineering Non-Procedural Programming Languages Introduction to Numerical Methods Intelligent Systems Database Management Systems Software Process and Product Management Web-Based Information Systems Machine Learning Operating Systems Combinatorics Experimental Mobile Robotics

Volunteer Work

React Vancouver Meetup


June 2022 - Present

Acted as one of the leaders for organizing events for our community.

  • Ran social nights at bars and pubs and coordinated reservations with managers.
  • Ran tech talks where people talked about Web Dev, React, and React Native.

Vancouver Farmers Market


May 2022 - Present

Helped staff with minor tasks and teardown of the farmers markets

Edmonton Smash Bros Group

Tournament Organizer

Mar 2016 - Sept 2021

Acted as one of the leaders for organizing tournaments.

  • Created budgets and financial plans for multi day events.
  • Created graphics and layouts for branding and promoting local events.
  • Organize with other community members provincials events with 200+ attendees

Undergraduate Association of Computing Science


Apr 2014 - Apr 2015

The UACS president is the primary representative of the UACS executive as well as a leader and facilitator for the other members of the executive.As a facilitator, available to assist other executives in overcoming obstacles related to their tasks.

  • Attend and participate in meetings with the Department Chair and Undergraduate Chair.
  • Assisted and lead all major social events throughout the school year.
  • Ran weekly executive meetings.

University of Alberta Smash Bros Group


Apr 2014 - Apr 2015

Acted as main communication between the University and the local community for multiple events.

  • Find venue and storage for weekly/monthly events within the University.

Undergraduate Association of Computing Science

Vice President of Finance

Apr 2013 - Apr 2014

Responsible for all financial needs and budgets for Undergraduate Association of Computing Science. Keeping accurate and readable financial documents.

  • Applied for department funding as well as other University-related grants.
  • Created Annual Budget for organization.

Undergraduate Association of Computing Science

Second Year Representative

Apr 2012 - Apr 2013

Be a voice for the second year Computing Science students and to enact that role by adding to discussions, bringing up issues and voting on any issues that are brought up at the weekly UACS meetings.

  • Run biannual LAN Party at the end of each semester.